rock drilling machine

rock drilling machine

  • your complete supplier for Rock Drilling Tools, Compressors and Drill Rigs for Quarries, Tunnels and other Drilling Projects.
  • From the Country of India, Paranthaman Rock Drills manufactures and exports drilling rigs, wagon drills and drilling accessories.
  • Information about Doofor's hydraulic rock drills and drifters for surface drilling, underground use and construction. Doofor drills are Doofor-designed and manufactured in Finland.
  • Supply rock drilling equipment and accessories, down hole hammer and bits.
  • Drilling services and equipment, including auger, caisson, rock, railroad, limited access, and hammer drilling.
  • Manufactures rock drilling tools and accessories. Drill bits, drill rods, drill accessories and other hard rock drilling tools used in mining and construction.
  • Designs and manufactures sheet-glass edge grinding and polishing machines and bevelling machines. Drilling machines for double-sided drilling of sheet glass.
  • Test boring, soil sampling, rock coring, well monitoring, rock pressure testing and drilling since 1977.
  • Engineers and manufactures 'DeHoff' deephole drilling, CNC gundrilling, and BTA and ejector drilling machines, as well as gundrilling cell equipment.
  • Manufacturer, distributor and service provider of drill rigs, rotary drill pipes, adaptors and stabilizers used in the drilling industry.
  • Custom manufactures to specifications earth drilling tools, bits and related accessories, including hollow stem augers, solid augers, drilling bits.
  • Features Davenport screw machine services to print and specification. Also provides turning, milling, cross drilling, knurling, slotting, drilling, and tapping in aluminum, brass, and steel.
  • Manufacturer and supplier of tools, equipment and contracting services . Products include diamond and hard rock drills, and drill rigs. Features an overview of products, company news, and links to group companies.
  • Manufacturer of production drilling machinery, multiple spindle heads and tapping equipment.
  • Holland. Manufactures magnetic drilling and cutting machines, cutting saws, drill bit grinding machines, and related accessories.
  • Manufacturer of precision drill units and accessories.
  • Manufactures hydraulic casing hammers built specifically for rotary machines, and cable-tool drill rigs.
  • Licensed well drillers perform test borings, rock coring, install monitoring wells. Truck and all terrain vehicle drills.
  • Services offered for the determination of in situ stresses and rock parameters, followed by numerical stability analysis for the optimization of drilling and geotechnical projects.
  • Sweden. Manufactures broad range of machine tools and accessories. Includes lathes, drilling and milling machines, tool grinders, and machining centers, as well as machine vices, rotary tables, and drill sharpeners.
  • hydraulic drill

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    rock drilling machine